How Pandora Aims to Double Its Number of Relevant Ads With Cross-Device Data

How Pandora Aims to Double Its Number of Relevant Ads With Cross-Device Data Music service hones targeting with Krux ByChristopher Heine Pandora last week said its third-quarter ad revenues rose 31 percent year over year to $255 million, seemingly underscoring the narrative that the digital music service attracts brands because...

Targeting “Now” Customers

Targeting 'Now' Customers Who Are Ready to Buy Online marketing often focuses on one area of attraction, and that is new visitors. While that’s an obvious and essential approach, and one that you should never lose focus on, there is one market segment that is passing many marketers by: the in-market buyers segment. In-market...

257,000,000 Ways to Market Effectively

It seems we're all looking for that elusive holy grail when it comes to marketing. As of this morning, Google returned 257,000,000 pages for the search term "market effectively." Now, unless you are brand new to the marketing game, you can probably guess that the returned pages agreed on a...

Consumers can now set limits on TV ads

Filtrie, a Salt Lake City based software firm founded in 2015, has launched a new patent pending technology that allows consumers to control what ads are shown across all of their screens.  This level of content control has never before been available to consumers, and advertisers stand to win.  That...