5 Hot Trends for Dealers and OEMs from Variety’s Entertainment Summit in Hollywood

OTT or “Over The Top” sub­scrip­tion video plat­forms (like Net­flix, Hulu) are being launched, as “Cord Cut­ters” look for cheaper ways than cable TV to access TV shows and movies.   TV is migrat­ing to what is being called “imm­ersable” – which means telling a story over mul­ti­ple enter­tain­ment plat­forms...

Advertising – Discover Shockingly Good Returns in Native Advertising : MarketingProfs Article

Though those messages have a certain appeal, savvy digital marketers have a different way of reaching their target audiences. One could argue that a successful online #advertising campaign has many more differences than similarities to the Times Square ads. The most notable difference between the two is that online marketing...