Filtrie, a Salt Lake City based software firm founded in 2015, has launched a new patent pending technology that allows consumers to control what ads are shown across all of their screens. This level of content control has never before been available to consumers, and advertisers stand to win. That right, content filtering that let’s advertisers win with consumers. Here’s how it works. Filtrie allows consumers to sign up for their free service and control content that shown based on who is in the room watching. Their service ties in with the viewers mobile device so they know exactly who is watching TV and displays the ads that are appropriate for them. They integrate their systems with existing and new television equipment across all content sources such as cable, satellite, broadcast, IPTR and DVR so consumers aren’t tied to a single provider. Unlike existing solutions that rely on antiquated people meters or return-path data, Filtrie uses real-time data drawn from the consumers who sign up for Filtrie’s free service, which allows Filtrie and its customers to know who is watching TV, what they’re watching, and for exactly how long. Advertisers can spot target their ads to the precise viewer who is present. Consumers who opt in can decide to replace unwanted ads (no matter who’s watching) or can allow Filtrie to automatically show or replace TV ads based on who is in the room.
One of the many benefits, the service allows parents, for the first time, to protect their child by having offensive or certain TV ads replaced with more appropriate material. This means underage children would no longer be exposed to TV ads for adult products such as beer, wine, lingerie and condoms.
Filtrie is also a vital source of advertising and marketing data, as it is able to pinpoint in real time exactly who—adults or children—is watching TV, when and for how long. This is a quantum leap beyond addressable advertising because it offers precise information, without relying on guesswork, unproven algorithms, or human error.
The Filtrie product is currently in beta testing, with first consumer implementation anticipated by the end of the year. This will definitely be one to watch as it is the first solution offered that provides benefits for BOTH advertisers and consumers.