5 Hot Trends for Dealers and OEMs from Variety’s Entertainment Summit in Hollywood

OTT or “Over The Top” sub­scrip­tion video plat­forms (like Net­flix, Hulu) are being launched, as “Cord Cut­ters” look for cheaper ways than cable TV to access TV shows and movies.


TV is migrat­ing to what is being called “imm­ersable” – which means telling a story over mul­ti­ple enter­tain­ment plat­forms – to immerse the audi­ence, every­where they go.


Inter­ac­tiv­ity – where infor­ma­tion is flow­ing not only from broad­caster to viewer, but also back from viewer to broad­caster — is being pushed by TV, social media and mul­ti­ple screens.


, has invented a “cumu­la­tive ‘demand rat­ing sys­tem’ based on how active a pro­gram is in a par­tic­u­lar region across social media, piracy, and a broad range of web­sites where video, blogs and other expres­sions of fan affin­ity reg­is­ter.” Wow.


It is impor­tant that the auto­mo­tive indus­try is up-to-date on what is hap­pen­ing in the film and TV indus­try.  Dis­cussed recently in LA – new trends, issues, and pro­gram­ming that will impact how and where you adver­tise, how your cus­tomers think and act, and how to bet­ter mea­sure the effec­tive­ness of the media you choose.