OTT or “Over The Top” subscription video platforms (like Netflix, Hulu) are being launched, as “Cord Cutters” look for cheaper ways than cable TV to access TV shows and movies.
TV is migrating to what is being called “immersable” – which means telling a story over multiple entertainment platforms – to immerse the audience, everywhere they go.
Interactivity – where information is flowing not only from broadcaster to viewer, but also back from viewer to broadcaster — is being pushed by TV, social media and multiple screens.
, has invented a “cumulative ‘demand rating system’ based on how active a program is in a particular region across social media, piracy, and a broad range of websites where video, blogs and other expressions of fan affinity register.” Wow.
It is important that the automotive industry is up-to-date on what is happening in the film and TV industry. Discussed recently in LA – new trends, issues, and programming that will impact how and where you advertise, how your customers think and act, and how to better measure the effectiveness of the media you choose.